Docker - Basic

Docker is a software platform that allows you to build, test, and deploy applications quickly

Why Use Docker

Using Docker lets you ship code faster, standardize application operations, seamlessly move code, and save money by improving resource utilization.

  • Ship more software faster
  • Standardized operation
  • Seamlessly move
  • Save money

When to use Docker

You can use Docker containers as a core building block creating modern applications and platforms.
Following topics will help you to analyses top picture.
Build and scale distributed application architectures by taking advantage of standardized code deployments using Docker containers.
Continuous Integration & Delivery
Accelerate application delivery by standardizing environments and removing conflicts between language stacks and versions.
Data Processing
Provide big data processing as a service. Package data and analytics packages into portable containers that can be executed by non-technical users.
Containers as a Service
Build and ship distributed applications with content and infrastructure that is IT-managed and secured.

Docker Prerequisites

Knowing the prerequisite of any domain is very important before starting to learn it core knowledge.
  • Introduction to DevOps
  • Linux Basics
  • Networking Basics
  • Application Basic
  • Database basics
  • Source Control management
  • Web server
  • Security

Docker Practitioner

  • Introduction To Docker
    • History
    • Architecture
      • Rest API
      • Daemon
      • Docker CLI
      • Registry
    • Components
      • Images
      • Containers
      • Storage
      • Networking
  • Image registry | What is docker hub
  • Run
  • Images
  • Commands
  • Compose
  • Engine & Storage
  • Network
  • Registry
  • Docker On Windows
  • Docker On Linux
  • Container Orchestration

Docker – Advance

  • Introduction
  • Docker on windows
  • Docker architecture in depth
  • Docker compose in detail
  • Docker swarm
  • Docker service
  • Advance networking
  • Docker on cloud

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